Learn more about indigenous health and vulnerable groups in Canada by clicking the resources below.
Learn more about indigenous health and vulnerable groups in Canada by clicking the resources below.
Learn more about indigenous health and vulnerable groups in Canada by clicking the resources below.
Learn more about indigenous health and vulnerable groups in Canada by clicking the resources below.

Federal and Provincial Health Systems
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004
Health Protection and Promotion Act, 1990
Professional Associations:
Professional Resources:

Throughout this unit we were encouraged to reflect upon our role in the health system as professionals, researchers or as someone who interacts with the health system. The resources on this page encompass the Canadian and Ontario health system as they relate to my role as a Public Health Nurse. Over the past week I have had the opportunity to further enhance my understanding of the Canadian Health System. Through my reading, I have learned that the Canada Health Act has gone through minimal changes over the years, despite the growing population, needs of the communities and ever changing demographic.
The public health system in Ontario is made up of several organizations that all work collaboratively. This includes the Ministry of Health, Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health, Local Public Health Units, Public Health Ontario etc. The Ministry of Health establishes certain criteria and strategic plans for health care and public health within the Ontario Health System. They provide funding to the Ontario Health System and develop and enforce legislation, regulation, standards of practice, polices and directives. (PHO, 2020). The Ministry of Health also monitors to ensure the needs of the people in Ontario are met. In Ontario, there are three types of boards of health that govern public health including: autonomous, semi-autonomous and regional. In Halton we are governed by a regional board of health. Members of this board consist of the regional chair and regional councillors. Each public health unit is run by a medical officer of health that reports to the local board of health. There are currently 34 Public Health Units in Ontario. Public Health Units are responsible for health promotion and disease prevention within the community.
The clients who seek services from our sexual health clinic's in Halton Region are often facing a multitude of barriers to health care. Many do not have family health care providers and some are not eligible for OHIP. Many of our clients do not feel comfortable accessing services within the community due to discrimination and stigma. Our sexual health clinics are funded to provide services including free and confidential STBBI (sexually transmitted blood borne infection) testing and treatment as well as low cost birth control. Our Exchange Works program also offers free harm reduction supplies, currently through mobile service.

College of Nurses of Ontario. (2020). Legislation and Regulation. An Introduction to the Nursing Act, 1991. Retrieved January 25, 2020, from https://www.cno.org/globalassets/docs/prac/41064_fsnursingact.pdf.
Public Health Ontario. (2020). Ontario Public Health System. Retrieved January 25, 2020, from https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/about/blog/2020/ontario-public-health-system